Stabilus flap cabinet gas spring replacement

 Stabilus flap cabinet gas spring replacement
Stabilus flap cabinet gas spring replacement

Instructions A Stabilus gas spring is used in many types of cabinets.
For example, it is often used in Siematic kitchen flap cabinets. 300N, 320N, 350N, 380N, 400N, 420N other gas springs.
Sometimes this Stabilus gas spring has a sticker on it saying Salice and a strength for example 350N.
This means 350 Newton. Below is the explanation to replace the Stabilus gas springs with an eyelet connection.

Unclip the guide by pushing the pin to high.
Tilt the wheels out of the track so that the door can be disconnected.
Do this on both sides of the flap door.
Once this is done, the door is only attached to the hinges at the top of
the cabinet.
Loosen the hinges both so you can remove the flap from the cabinet.
The hinges usually come off by means of a click system on the back of the hinges.
the hinges. (Make sure there are two of you so the door is not damaged).
Now the hinges are clicked loose you can pull the door out of the sliding mechanism and you have only
the 2 hinges containing the gas springs to the cabinet.
Now it is important to loosen the gas springs. This you can do with a small flat screwdriver
or with special pliers to loosen the snap ring.
Put the screwdriver behind the circlip of the gas spring mounting and click it loose.
After this you can loosen 1 side of the gas spring so that you can remove it from the scissors.
You only need to loosen the locking ring on 1 side. By moving the scissors you can
the pin out of the gas spring.
Please note that once the pin is out of the gas spring, it immediately falls out of the mechanism.

When the gas spring is out of the scissor mechanism you can put the pin with the 2 white wheels in the new gas spring.
(the thick piece of the gas spring). After this, fix the gas spring with the pin in the scissor mechanism and fix
the locking pin again. (The easiest way is with pliers).

Now the spring has to be pushed on the back (thick side of the spring with the white wheels)
into the slot. Usually this is not easy
because the gas spring is too heavy to push it in.
Now with a Phillips screwdriver above the scissors, turn the screw half a turn.
This is to give the gas spring more space so that it is now easy on the back with the white
wheels into the slot. Now pull the scissors down slightly and then turn the screw back the half turn.
Do this on both sides of the cabinet so that the gas springs are again properly tensioned.

Next, reassemble the flap of the flap box. Make sure that first the scissors are in the slots
of the door before clicking the hinges into place.

Now that this is done, only the bottom of the door's fastener remains to be mounted.
Now turn back the steel pin and the door is fixed again.
Do this on both sides.

Now the gas springs have been replaced and you can enjoy the door again for a long time.
  Instructies     07-06-2023 11:59